The new Producer 2 Consumer Paradigm

2 min readJan 9, 2022

The idea of a world where a consumer can get what he/she needs directly from the producer without any intermediary is fascinating. The one getting the money/credit is the producer, not the middle-man getting rich and imposing the rules, products and services would be less expensive and more flexible, Etc. Etc.

However in the “real” world, some difficult challenges like distribution or marketing made this idea nothing but just that, an idea.

In the digital era we have been experiencing a pretty similar problem, the middle-man gets all the money, credits, and control, for example YouTube, Facebook, Spotify, TikTok, Etc. they are not producing any content yet they are the biggest beneficiaries of the content producers.

Is there any way to change this paradigm?

Well, it is too early to know for sure, but there is a silver lining; Web 3.0, BlockChain, DAOs, NFTs & Crypto are some of the concepts that might help to finally make the P2C paradigm a reality, and not only in the digital world but to some extend in the “real” world too.

If you think about it, in most part of human history, is the middle-man who has been in charge. From Governments, Religions and Banks to Corporations, Super Markets and Car Dealers, and this is why changing this paradigm is going to be so hard.

Where to start then?

Well, this is only going to be a reality when it reaches a critical mass, when most people is willing to trust…




Systems Engineer, Software Developer, Father, Husband, Brother, Passionate about a better future but also a pleasant present…